Author: The BS

Three Days of the Dodo

Another understated and funny essay by Mr. Revusky not quite ever stating his point baldly (part of that being, as he put it elsewhere, “that the Betty Ong we were presented after 9/11, Chinese Betty, almost certainly is a non-existent person”), leaving it, and its import, to be inferred. While…

The Drug Peace

It’s collectivist and it’s consequentialist (the state’s still involved, and the drugs aren’t decriminalized because it’s thought that adults own themselves and thus can ingest what they wish), but it’s clearly one of the better ways to handle the social issue that is drug abuse within the current western political…

Questioning the Paradigm

A clear thinking, open-minded article, stating what has become obvious to so many now who consider the topic, and, of course, suggesting the beginning of solution (and that one is clearly needed in the first place). It’s all about the solutions now.

Site’s Purpose

As impressive and blessed as the internet has proven to be for disseminating information quickly and widely – and about topics and events never before discussed broadly, if at all before 2001 – and as much as I admire the big guns and the pioneers among the alt. news sites…

Bavaria Newest State to Join Large GMO-Free Network

Heather Callaghan – Activist Post: There are approximately 60+ countries that have either some type of genetically modified food/crop ban, restriction or labeling requirements.Did you know there is also a European network of GMO-free farming regions? Bavaria, also referred to as the Free State (or, considered a free state; republic),…